03 March 2025

Record HESA Data in Curriculum Details

Data relating to the HESA Alternative Return can be recorded in the following locations in the Curriculum module:

The image below shows the areas that contain HESA data on the Curriculum module.

HESA data highlighted on Curriculum screen

Unit Instance

The Unit Instance holds information about HESA on the following tabs:

Unit Instance Occurrence

The Unit Instance Occurrence holds information about HESA on the HESA Student Alternative tab. The fields are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Study Abroad Learner's study location. For example, 01 - Studying abroad for the full student course session.
SCS Mode Student course session mode, such as 01 - Full time.
Invoice HESA ID Identifier for the HESA invoice, such as 5033 - Other overseas funding.
Reference Period Student Load Reference period for the student load.
Programme Year Year the course takes place, such as 2025.
Number of Units Number of units in the course, such as 4.
Include in HESA Whether to include in the HESA file.
Closed Course Whether the course is open or closed.
Fully Flexible Indicator Whether the course if flexible or not.
Funding Length Length of funding for the course, such as 02 - Standard.
Main Provider (not UKPRN)

Main course provider.

This field is redundant from 2024 onwards.

Unit of Length

Unit of length (for example: day, month, year and so on).

This field is redundant from 2024 onwards.

HESA SA Organisations

The HESA SA Organisations screen holds the information described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Delivery Organisation Delivery organisation for a course.
Proportion Delivered Proportion of the teaching being undertaken by the organisation.
Post Code 1 Outward postcode.
Post Code 2 Inward postcode.